
Derby was born with deformed front legs. His humans bought him a cart, like a wheelchair for his front, but it limited his mobility.  The owner decided on something kind of like the “running man,” which look like blades, but those might get caught in soft ground.

3D systems designed these loops just for Derby, and he is now able to walk, run, play with other dogs, and do virtually anything a typical dog would do.

via (x)


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Love Thyself

I love love love that this tag is trending –  and I think female empowerment is so important. The word feminism has unfortunately come to have negative connotations these days – with criticism of “feminazis” trying to tear down the male race. I won’t deny that there are extremists, but this is the case with almost every major movement; people have different interpretations of the same subject, it’s unavoidable. I believe that the true wish of feminism is to try and focus on bringing hope and determination to women fighting against eras of  institutionalized objectification, injustice, and oppression. So let’s end both boy-on-girl and girl-on-girl hate. Because we should all love ourselves as much as Tina Belcher does.
